Tips On How To Build A Solid Team In Network Marketing

To build a strong team is essential in every business be it networking or any other form of business. To be successful in business, you need connections. Thus networking is all about being able to connect and bring people to your business because without networking, it will be difficult to build a solid team.

How to build A Solid Team


It is one thing to build a solid team and it is another thing to nurture, manage and grow your network marketing team. In this article, we will list tips on how to build a solid team in network marketing.


Tips On How To Build A Solid Network Team

  1. Never Assume:  Don't assume that the people you are recruiting will have the same mentality as you in building your networking business. To build a solid team means accepting everyone the way they are and giving a supporting hand. Don't push them to do things they don't want to do because it will end up driving them away far from you as quick as possible.
  2. Never Give Unsolicited Coaching: It is not advisable to start coaching people in your team if they did not as for your advice. You might feel you know more than them and want to help them achieve their goal without knowing you are making a mistake. Ask your teammates questions to know if they are coachable, their answer will determine if you will coach them or not. If you coach without getting permission from them, you end up driving them away. This is also applicable when recruiting new members to your team. If you force people to join your team, you will equally be the one that will be doing the one always on the phone pleading with them to be productive.
  3. Show Love And Recognition: Your team members will never want to leave you if you show them love and recognition not minding the amount they are making from the business. Make your team members feel they are part of something important. Praise them, give your heart out to raising others so that you will feel fulfilled.

  4. Pull Your Team Towards You: Don't be a leader that is always pointing accusing fingers on their downlines. Nobody likes to be reminded of what to do. These will make your downlines to see you as a bossy leader. Be the leader that pulls his team into action by your leadership style of leading by example. Leading this way will make them more productive, motivated and even push the team forward.

  5. Stop Motivating Rather Start Inspiring Them: When you go out to recruit as many as possible for your team, it makes your team members to be inspired. Advance in rank to show your team that the system works. It is an inspiration that births motivation in network marketing. Inspire your team first.

  6. Be A Team Builder Before You Have A team: You need to think and act like a leader even when you are not yet one. Look out for someone in the same networking business that you like his/ her attitude, what he has achieved, his leadership style etc and start modelling the person. Before you know it, you will start behaving like the person, have the same big team as the person. It is that simple act of tricking your mind into thinking you have a large team that will help you develop new ideas and thoughts in your head that will make you build a big team.

  7. Teach To Teach: Teach to teach means allowing other people to lead and take responsibilities. If you are the only one that can lead, take responsibilities, teach in your team, it means you are not building a solid team. Build your team in such that members can do a thing and teach others in your absence. Networking marketing is not all about what you as a leader know but also what your team members know and can teach others.

  8. Raise Others: Your responsibility as a leader should be to raise people. If you make people around you to feel amazing, awesome, they will always want to be around you, become leaders and vice versa. Make people around you to feel better than they met you. Don't boss people around or show ego to them. In network marketing, ensure you treat your recruit and aspiring prospects well even if they later did not join your team. Don't always be afraid that people will take your position if you raise them.

  9. Invest In You: Investing in you means continually acquiring knowledge and making an extra effort to put that knowledge into action. When you are not healthy educationally. physically, emotionally and spiritually, you will not be able to make impacts in the life of others. Invest in your education to improve it. Invest and understand what network marketing is all about, what you have learnt in networking and the different strategies to achieve success.

  10. Teammates Need To Qualify For Your Time: Everybody doesn't have to be in your team. Recruit people of like mind with you. Teammates should not be allowed to abuse you verbally or the time you create for them. Don't waste your time on people that are not ready to take your advice and couchable. Invest your time in those that qualify for it so that you will have enough time for your business.
  11. The Pace Your Team Will Grow Depends Pace At The Leader Is Growing: To grow faster in your network marketing, you need to recruit more people. Whatever you do, your team follows. To achieve a result in your team, you need to take massive actions. Your team will always look up to you as their role model, so the faster you grow, will also help your team to grow almost at the same pace.

  12. Focus On Their Dream: One of the ways of building a solid dream is to focus on the dream of your team members. Listen, care and communicating with your team make it easy for you to get their heartbeat. Following this process will decrease your time and increase your effectiveness in your daily activities because you will only spend time with people who are interested in changing their life and can potentially become one of your next biggest leaders.

  13. Schedule Regular Meetings With Your Team Members: If you hold more meetings, it helps you build a solid team because ideas, challenges and how to tackle a problem are shared regularly. Coming together regularly creates a bond between members.

  14. Engage New Team Members: When you engage a new member in your team, make sure you create time to interact with them, ask them questions, find out their expectations from the business and how they intend to manage and build their team. Creating time to discuss with your new members, and sharing their concern shows them you care for them.

  15. Create Less Than One Hour Per Week For Your Team Training: As a leader, you lead by example, Know that your team will do what you teach them to do that you also practice. To build a solid team, it is important to spend productive time with your team.

  16. Give One Specific Message Of Duplication: At each meeting with your team, always give a specific message about duplication. Make sure your team knows what duplication is all about and can duplicate your team.

  17. Unite Your Team: To build a solid team, achieve success in network marketing, you need your leaders to be in unity. Encourage your team leaders to always stay behind after general meeting to have time to discuss matters arising as leaders and the way forward. Having a united team will also help your networking business to grow
